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By : March 21, 2022 Comments Off
They say alcohol is a depressant, but I think people can be too. I think toxic love is a drug that can make the nervous system ache. The only
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The Ocean’s Fairy Dust

By : January 10, 2022 Comments Off
“Are you gonna sweep that up?” I ask, as she tracks sand onto my welcome mat. “It’s the ocean’s fairy dust,” she says, and smiles with sunshine caught in
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By : December 21, 2021 Comments Off
lately it’s been tough to, what do they call it? “find the words”  but right now it’s not that they’re lost  but I don’t know where they are buried
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identity crisis

By : May 15, 2021 Comments Off
permanent identity crisis choose your own adventure book  but i can’t pass for white but i can’t pass for black  sophie’s choice i’ve never seen sophie’s choice but i
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Telling Our Stories

By : April 30, 2021 01 Comment
At the beginning of COVID, I started writing fanfiction. Before this, I never pictured myself as someone who would be interested in creative writing. I wrote essays for school,