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By : March 21, 2022 Comments Off
being angry at the universe is like being angry at the wind for raining  I can’t help but think of how you would love the Marvin Gaye stamps we
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Above the Flames

By : December 21, 2021 Comments Off
When I turned 18, my dad gave me a pack of matches for my birthday as well as metal poles for holding marshmallows this was during my  “bonfire, cooking
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By : December 21, 2021 Comments Off
lately it’s been tough to, what do they call it? “find the words”  but right now it’s not that they’re lost  but I don’t know where they are buried
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identity crisis

By : May 15, 2021 Comments Off
permanent identity crisis choose your own adventure book  but i can’t pass for white but i can’t pass for black  sophie’s choice i’ve never seen sophie’s choice but i
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By : March 16, 2021 Comments Off
Undetermined date, 20216:13 am “You understand me. We mirror each other. You’re what I see when I look in the mirror and I’m what you see when you don’t.”
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August 23, Brewery

By : March 16, 2021 Comments Off
I thought you should know that I cut my nails this morning. I woke up earlier than she did, Restless, senseless waste of sleep Removed the nail polish you’d