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I’m Sorry Too

By : September 10, 2021 Comments Off
i’m sorry too.  this is my formal apology to all lgbtqia+ youth.  i’m sorry that you have to grow up in a society that has created a war on
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Pronouns: The Power of Words

By : September 10, 2021 Comments Off
While some answer in haste, others have to stop and think about the magnitude of what is being asked. For some it is a simple tag; however, for others,
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(Kids) Queer Friendly Extracurricular Activities

By : November 1, 2020 Comments Off
*Note: This article was originally published on Pride Pocket prior to merging with MyUmbrella* Extra-curricular activities provide essential developmental opportunities for youth: socially, creatively, and even health-wise. Community service
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LGBTQ Youth and Mental Health

By : September 3, 2020 Comments Off
A lot of LGBTQ people experience uncomfortability at the doctor's office or hospital. I know for myself it was difficult to have conversations with medical professionals. The questions they