
I’m Sorry Too

i cannot imagine the pain that some of you may feel.

i’m sorry too. 

this is my formal apology to all lgbtqia+ youth. 

i’m sorry that you have to grow up in a society that has created a war on your bodies, a war on your minds, a war against your freedom. 

i’m sorry that the society you live in has put your existence up for debate. 

i’m sorry that you can’t trust your safe spaces due to fear of them being infiltrated.

i’m sorry that you don’t know who you can trust. 

you live in a world that takes something deep and personal to you and airs it out like dirty laundry. as if it isn’t completely normal. as if your existence is problematic. as if it’s taboo. 

i cannot imagine the pain that some of you may feel. nor can I imagine the fear or attacks that you may have felt, so I will not pretend to. there is too much at stake for all of us to pretend that we know everything. there is too much to be done and too many of us to be saved. 

so while you may live in a world, community, or household that doesn’t accept your existence, that may not embrace your power and uniqueness. know that you have a home. a home where you’re loved and celebrated. a home where our differences are embraced and loved. 

so the world may not be perfect. and we will have to fight for our rights to exist but it will always be worth it. that’s the part that makes it easier to get out of bed every day. that’s when we can love who we chose to love, and be who we truly are. 

i’m sorry it’s the way it is and i’m sure you are too. so together let’s be the change that the future youth deserve. together let’s be the people we wish we had growing up. 


someone who is sick of the losses.

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