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By : March 21, 2022 Comments Off
being angry at the universe is like being angry at the wind for raining  I can’t help but think of how you would love the Marvin Gaye stamps we
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Above the Flames

By : December 21, 2021 Comments Off
When I turned 18, my dad gave me a pack of matches for my birthday as well as metal poles for holding marshmallows this was during my  “bonfire, cooking
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By : December 21, 2021 Comments Off
lately it’s been tough to, what do they call it? “find the words”  but right now it’s not that they’re lost  but I don’t know where they are buried
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identity crisis

By : May 15, 2021 Comments Off
permanent identity crisis choose your own adventure book  but i can’t pass for white but i can’t pass for black  sophie’s choice i’ve never seen sophie’s choice but i
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Wandering Soul

By : April 24, 2021 Comments Off
I have a wandering soul. Or merely a single breath of soul that comes and goes. Winds whisk it away like a wish flower’s whispers. She taught me love
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By : April 10, 2021 Comments Off
The blues come and go like summer showers. They roll down my nose and into the tissue below. And the reds fade in and out. Girls with cheeks burning