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By : March 21, 2022 Comments Off
being angry at the universe is like being angry at the wind for raining  I can’t help but think of how you would love the Marvin Gaye stamps we
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By : March 21, 2022 Comments Off
They say alcohol is a depressant, but I think people can be too. I think toxic love is a drug that can make the nervous system ache. The only
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Cinderella’s Handmaid

By : February 17, 2022 Comments Off
We always tell on ourselves. I looked a little too long when she wore that tight silver dress that flowed down to the floor. I sounded a little too
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Above the Flames

By : December 21, 2021 Comments Off
When I turned 18, my dad gave me a pack of matches for my birthday as well as metal poles for holding marshmallows this was during my  “bonfire, cooking
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Back to the Old House

By : November 10, 2021 Comments Off
In May of 2019, I was presented with a very interesting opportunity – to move back into my childhood home as an adult, just me and my boyfriend, no
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Transforming Ideas of Queerness

By : October 27, 2021 Comments Off
Society is starting to become more educated on the concept of gender, but there is still a long way to go. People are just beginning to understand that gender