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Cinderella’s Handmaid

By : February 17, 2022 Comments Off
We always tell on ourselves. I looked a little too long when she wore that tight silver dress that flowed down to the floor. I sounded a little too
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Growing up LGBTQ+ in a Small Town

By : May 11, 2021 Comments Off
When people think of small towns, I think a lot of the time they imagine some cute little place with a welcoming community where everyone gets along and loves
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Sunday Morning

By : April 16, 2021 Comments Off
Original Publication: Winter - 20207372 - Sinister Wisdom 115 - Lesbian Learning I’m going to ask her to be my girlfriend, Abby thinks to herself as she looks through
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Loves Me Not

By : March 9, 2021 Comments Off
“I like your hair.” You say to me. I shave my head that night when I go home and sweep the scraps into a plastic sandwich bag. I press
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Seven Days

By : February 3, 2021 01 Comment
Monday came around and you were still gone Tuesday’s here, I don’t think that I can carry on It’s the middle of the week, so it’s almost over But
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Proof-Reading Love

By : January 23, 2021 Comments Off
“Why are there always so many spelling mistakes in those long quotes about love?” she asks, her nose scrunching up. “I guess it’s hard to type when you’re in