Having a go-getter attitude, amalgamated with never give up frame of mind, I believe in the algorithm that the earliest bird gets the worm, and so I try to grab every opportunity that comes my way and mold it in the best way possible.
Racism is the opinion that certain groups of people have distinctive social attributes relating to physical appearance or tendencies and can be partitioned dependent on the predominance of one
After watching a movie named- Abzurdah in Spanish on Netflix, I realized how toxic it can be to hold onto someone, who is okay with losing you. The movie
Homosexuality in India has been a subject of heavy discussion, ever since the beginning of time. Ancient Hindu texts have taken various other positions regarding homosexual characters and themes.
Trigger warning: this article discusses mental health and violent behavior. The medical definition of 'Schizophrenia' is given as: Schizophrenia is a serious mental disorder in which people interpret reality
Being an Asian, it’s inherent that I belong to a community that is very strict and conservative about the way matters of family are curated and concerned. When it